Regent's Vision - a number one world Christian University

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Regent University

From its origin, Regent University's focus has been on remodeling the globe. The expression of the varsity, Christian Leadership to alter the globe, points to our want to impact lives across the world. Regent is accomplishing this vision by systematically delivering wonderful, biblically grounded graduate and collegian programs each on-line and on field so as to organize Christian leaders for lives of serious purpose and repair. With the university's stature as an establishment of excellence ever increasing, we have a tendency to humbly however expectantly move to an excellent higher level of educational quality and world influence.


Our vision is to be the foremost influential , Christian, transformational university within the world.


Regent University is a middle of Christian thought and action to supply wonderful education through a biblical perspective and world context armament Christian leaders to alter the globe.


These values square measure central to Regent and have guided  it since its founding:

Christ initial

Regent University has as its concentrate the teachings, practices and person of Logos, and fosters a trans-denominational atmosphere.


Regent University are recognized for its excellence in education, scholarship, service and geographic point atmosphere.


Regent values authentic, servant leadership and seeks to equip leaders to possess a worldwide impact.


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