Master of cyber security degree

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The Master of Cyber ​​Security ( MCB ) is for students who want to determine :
 a) obtain jobs in which knowledge and skills of computer network operations are required ,
 b ) follow a path of education towards a PhD with a focus on information security .
It is also for people who are in degree programs or work areas that have some responsibility with information security and the desire for more knowledge and skills .
The degree focuses on the foundations for the development , construction and operation of information systems neuroses.Poor students will understand to be well versed in the challenges and problems of operating systems , safe secure applications , secure networks with cryptography and Management Key .You how a security develop policy decisions and how technology drives policy .
The MS in Cyber security provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to be environments that manage require a high level of information security , both from the perspective of data protection principles and the role and application technology Has in achieve the objective of protecting the information .the students have to simulate practical experience in situations that real-world scenarios with all the technical and theoretical situations through extensive laboratory work , they are security of current and past professional information are designed .

application Info

To apply, you must have a bachelor 's degree ( Bachelor of Science ) in engineering , computer science have , math or hard science from an accredited university in the region .
It is also highly recommended , background or experience in the theory of computation , computer architecture and design, building digital networks and / or elementary / introductory abstract algebra .Also Knowledge of computer technology are encouraged scheduling and network architecture and engineering .
Satisfactory cumulative undergraduate GPA ( Grade Point Average ) .
Satisfactory scores on the GRE test .All results must be officially reported to the university directly by ETS .

For Apply Online: GO Here


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